October 2013 - May 2018
Engineering Capstone and Technical Writing project
Presenting the HyperSystem involved three five minute presentations as well as two eight minute presentations followed by questions and answers varying from ten to thirty minutes. I also presented this idea in a six minute Technical Writing presentation. All presentations were orally given independent of notes and speaking aids.
The HyperSystem is an evolution of the Limboid designed to fulfill the requirements of an engineering capstone course. It is a modular system that can be configured into a variety of flexible machines such as a robot or a CNC. Rather than being any specific machine, the HyperSystem is a system of components that can be used to flexibly build whatever the imagination and laws of nature permit. Some possibilities are detailed below.
HyperSystem Project Proposal. This proposal granted me approval to use time at school to research and design the HyperSystem. It defines, discusses, and demonstrates uses of the HyperSystem.
A Pragmatic Approach to Sustained Flexible Manufacturing. This paper discusses a specific disruptive impact where the HyperSystem is most appreciated in the manufacturing environment.
A HyperSystem of Things. This paper discusses flexible systems and how the HyperSystem approaches a "perfectly flexible system".
A Programming Language PitchFall 2016
Pitch for independant programming project: the A Programming Language - a programming language that transpiles to C#, JavaScript, and Swift.
"How the Bible was Preserved" SpeechSummer 2016
8 minute informative speech explaining how the Bible was preserved through the millenia.
HydraulicsMay 2016
Principles of Engineering group project by Jacob and Isaac Valdez
The B&O Bridge Truss PresentationApril 2016
Principles of Engineering group project with Jacob and Isaac Valdez
Fossil Fuel EnergyNovember 2015
Principles of Engineering group project with Jacob Valdez and Kaden Garcia
Simple Machines PresentationSeptember 2015
Principles of Engineering presentation and musical performance introducing the 6 basic simple machines
Cookie CutterMay 2015
Product Video - Playlist - "Why Buy Cookie Cutter" Slides - "Why Buy Cookie Cutter" Outline - Marketing Slides
The Cookie Cutter is an experimental Plasma Cutter. Its plasma cutting feature never was made operable though aluminum foil strength plasma cutting was achieved in research. The Cookie Cutter can successfully coordinate a tool head using Cookie Cutter CookieControl. (See CookieControl under programming and Cookie Cutter under engineering.) I presented this to my human geography class as a potential revolutionary technology to the manufacturing world.
"Influenza Wanted!" PosterApril 2015
Biology group project with Jacob and Isaac Valdez
An Overview of CloningOctober 2014
Biology group project with Jacob Valdez, Isaac Valdez, and Dinora Zuniga
This presentation examines the genetic basis for cloning, ethical implications, and scientific fallacies in Jurassic Park.
Cellular SystemsFall 2014
Below is a presentation aid I made for a Biology presentation on the cell, DNA, and gene expression. The entire presentation probably lasted 10 minutes.
STEM InfographicFall 2014
An infographic created for 9th grade Computer class highlighting the value of stem education.
"Preterite and Imperfect" Spanish LessonSpring 2017
Spanish lesson Sofia and I gave in Spanish IV class on the difference between the past preterite and past imperfect verb tenses.
SQT English-Spanish Translator PresentationNovember 2016
Advanced english-spanish translator written in C#. Presented the application to Spanish IV class in December
Sale Translator PresentationDecember 2015
A simple english-spanish translator made for Spanish III
3D Printers vs. CNC'sApril 2016
Principles of Engineering group project by Jacob and Isaac Valdez
Vex Robotic Marble SorterDecember 2015 - January 2016
Principles of Engineering group project with Isaac Valdez, Jacob Valdez, and Kaden Garcia
Working on the VEX robotics project taught me how to work with groups, control systems, and programs. Above is the program used to control our robotic marble sorter. According to programming practice, it is thoroughly commented.
Chemistry "Mole Day" Sing AlongOctober 22nd, 2015 (Annual Mole Day)
A sing-along performance Isaac Valdez, Dalton Brooks, and I put on for 10th grade Chemistry class.
Circulatory System PresentationSpring 2015
Group presentation with Kevin Asirvidan and Jonah Taylor in 9th grade Biology class about the circulatory system.
Puzzle Cube Project March 2015
Introduction to Engineering and Design simulation activity
Evolution Theory CritiqueSpring 2015
This presentation examines the genetic basis for microevolution, overviews foundations of Neodarwinian evolutionary theory, and raises important questions as to the theory's hypotheses.
Dolphin Rocket DesignOctober - December 2014
The Dolphin Rocket is a water bottle rocket capable of reaching soaring altitudes. The design process used to create it is fully documented in the video below. I presented this to several of my technology and engineering classes.
Gyre Country EventSeptember - October 2014
Human Geography "Create Your Own Country" project by Jacob Valdez, Tyler Fischer, Hunter Hill, and Chase Weisbrow
BiomesFall 2014
A very short slideshow on the major terrestrial biomes
Copyright EventSeptember 2014
This was an event we put on in technology class to encourage our peers to avoid copyright infringement and provide them with resources to do so.
Cookie Cutter Desktop CNCMarch - May 2013
Presentation slides - Product video slides
The Cookie Cutter Desktop CNC represented a monumental feat in homemade Arduino CNC's. Although we were not able to implement a professional water cutting jet, the Cookie Cutter nonetheless successfully coordinated its tool head on the XY plane.
Unless specified, presentations are non-collaborative work